Trail Run Brickworks

All ability levels welcome!
Start Date: Wednesday, May 22nd
End Date: Wednesday, September 25th
Time: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM (with the option to turn back earlier)
Place: Meet in the Brickworks parking lot outside Sweet Pete’s Bike Shop.
Cost: $35+HST including a water bottle for the ONE TIME Club Run/Bike fee + $25+HST/6-week block.
CLICK HERE to sign the online waiver form.

Trail Run 6-Week Block

All ability levels welcome!
Start Date: Wednesday, May 22nd
End Date: Wednesday, September 25th
Time: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM (with the option to turn back earlier)
Place: Meet in the Brickworks parking lot outside Sweet Pete’s Bike Shop.
Cost: $35+HST including a water bottle for the ONE TIME Club Run/Bike fee + $25+HST/6-week block.
Blocks are May 22nd -June 26th, July 3rd -Aug 7th, and Aug 14th -Sep 25th.

CLICK HERE to sign the online waiver form.